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Use these payment details to make a payment
NOTE: Do not add anything related to crypto in your description/narration.
Third party transaction is not allowed(your bank account details must tally with your digital wallet)
Account Name*
Amount (₦)*
Amount in ($) you'll receive
Proof of Payement*
Maximum file size: 2 MB
Only JPG & PNG images can be uploaded and if your processing is taking too long kindly reduce file attachment size
Use these payment details to make a payment
NOTE: Do not add anything related to crypto in your description/narration.
Third party transaction is not allowed(your bank account details must tally with your digital wallet)
Account Number*
Account Name*
Bank Name*
Amount ($)*
Amount in (₦) you'll receive
Proof of Transaction*
Maximum file size: 2 MB
Only JPG & PNG images can be uploaded and if your processing is taking too long kindly reduce file attachment size